We passed with an LDC driving instructor so can you

Over 19,000    Five Star reviews are listed on the following 762 pages starting with the most recent to the oldest (25 reviews per page). These reviews have been extracted from the customer reviews on each of the individual LDC driving school owners websites.

Brian Kempson - (Passed with no driving faults - clean sheet)'s Testimonial
Brian Kempson - (Passed with no driving faults - clean sheet)
"THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Thanks for sticking with me at all times and having confidence in me even when I didn't. I found the Workbook and the DVD's very useful, especially for the theory test. The two hours per week lesson structure fitted in perfectly with my budget and available time as well a...
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Harriet McClure's Testimonial
Harriet McClure
The LDC system is very good and easy to learn with. I would definitely recommend my instructor to friends as he is a very professional and excellent driving instructor. Sometimes lessons were stressful but I think this is very useful to become a good driver.
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Trefor Sloanes's Testimonial
Trefor Sloanes
Home visit was very useful - it was what made me pick Henry as he made it clear that he would teach in a very through manner - not just the bare minimum to get me through the test. If Henry arrived late, due to traffic etc, the time was always made up. I also never felt like I was being rushed...
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Laura Badge's Testimonial
Laura Badge
I liked the way the course was structured with the DVD and the handbook. I had been with another instructor beforehand and I felt this was much more effective. I also liked the fact that Henry didn't just teach me to drive - he taught me to drive SAFELY.
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Chris Lucas's Testimonial
Chris Lucas
"Fantastic. A highly enjoyable experience to learn with. Not just taught to pass the test. Has set me up well for my future driving career!"
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Jon Wallace's Testimonial
Jon Wallace
"Henry, once again a big thank you from me and my family. As you know when my lessons started I had recently become a Dad, stressful time enough, let alone learning to drive too, so for you to get me through my test first time, with only two minors was exceptional. If it wasn't for two daft stall...
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Lucy Fosbraey's Testimonial
Lucy Fosbraey
"I chose Henry because I wanted an instructor in the area who would teach me how to drive, not just to pass the test. If Henry ever got frustrated it was because he knew I could do it but I said I couldn't! Henry is a very friendly instructor who makes you feel at ease as soon as you get in the c...
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Steven Sloane's Testimonial
Steven Sloane
Thanks for your help getting me passed first time.
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Paul Burns's Testimonial
Paul Burns
Thanks to Mark, a greatdriving instructor i'm on the road driving now, would recommend to others!!
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Cameron Harle's Testimonial
Cameron Harle
The best instructor!
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Derek McDonald's Testimonial
Derek McDonald
A big thank you to Mark for getting me through my driving test in only four months. I could not have done it without Marks patience and encouragement. He is a brilliant instructor who managed to help calm the nerves on the day of the test. I would recommend Mark to anybody thinking about learning...
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Stephen Bonnar's Testimonial
Stephen Bonnar
I was so relieved that I'd finally broken through this barrier. This is all thanks to Mark's patience and reassurance, as driving did not come naturally to me. I would recommend Mark to anyone who wishes to take driving lessons as he is a calm and collected guy. He has a good way of explaining th...
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Stephanie Nicol's Testimonial
Stephanie Nicol
I just wanted to say a massive thanks to Mark for helping me pass my driving test first time. I really couldn't have done it without him. Even when I got stressed or annoyed with myself, he always stayed calm and made me realise that it wasn't that bad and that it could be fixed easily. I always ...
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Claire McInnes's Testimonial
Claire McInnes
I took driving lessons when I was 17 and fell away from them as I was too busy with my social life. 5 years down the line I decided to restart my lessons and I'm so happy I chose Mark to be my instructor. He was always so positive about everything even when I done something wrong and made me feel...
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Susanne Dowson's Testimonial
Susanne Dowson
After years of putting off taking driving lessons,I eventually took the plunge and got Mark to give me driving lessons. He was fantastic,ever so patient, even when I made silly mistakes! He explained everything so clearly . Mark never once raised his voice or got angry even when I did something s...
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Tracey Gait's Testimonial
Tracey Gait
Just want to say a huge thank you for all your help and patience. You are a fantastic instructor and I will be recommending you to anyone who is looking to take lessons. You helped me and I passed first time. So thanx again and see you out on the road very soon.
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Lesley's Testimonial
Thanks to Mark for helping me pass my driving test, first time! If your looking for an easy going stressless experience - Mark at LDC is your guy. Although he makes you feel at ease, he is very informative - helping you to make the commitment to your lessons. Driving as a learner can be so nerve ...
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Curtis McDonald's Testimonial
Curtis McDonald
When I was 18 I done lessons with my uncle but slowly fell away from it. Four years later, Mark's enjoyable teaching methods along with the LDC coursework, progressed me to passing first time within 2 months of starting lessons with him. I now plan to have Mark help me along with my pass plus.
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Adelle Campbell's Testimonial
Adelle Campbell
I thought the LDC teaching methods and materials really helped me, along with Mark's great tuition. Mark got me through my test 1st time!! The whole learning to drive experience was fun and enjoyable and I put that down to Mark and his very easy nature. I would recommend Mark to anyone who is loo...
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Gary's Testimonial
I took this LDC driving course with Mark Shand as i was recommended by a friend. At first i was nervous but Mark made me feel at ease, building my confidence as lessons went on. Mark always goes out to encourage that no matter what you will get through this course as quickly as possible as he's d...
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Lorna Nisbet's Testimonial
Lorna Nisbet
I loved learning to drive with Mark!!! We instantly hit it off and built up a strong rapport. He let me learn at my own pace and never got frustrated by my many blonde moments. Mark was able to communicate manoeuvres in a clear and concise manor, never using large jargon. Mark is a fantastic driv...
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Ashley Cairns's Testimonial
Ashley Cairns
I was given marks number from a friend who had passed with him. Mark was very understanding and friendly and took everything at a pace that I was comfortable with, he was also very encouraging and positive. I would highly recommend Mark for anyone who was taking lessons, he makes the learning to ...
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Camilla Jensen's Testimonial
Camilla Jensen
Learning to drive with Sue Hawkins has been a great experience. The lessons have been fun, challenging and very rewarding. It was very important for me to find an instructor who was patient and calm, and who wouldn't make me feel uncomfortable if I made a mistake, and Sue is just that! Sue's know...
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Zoe Greaves's Testimonial
Zoe Greaves
I would highly recommend learning to drive with Alan, as I found him a really good instructor who was not only friendly but made driving seem easier for me which made me enjoy my lessons. Thank you so much!
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Hemin Mohammedi's Testimonial
Hemin Mohammedi
Thanks for your lessons I couldn't have done it without you. Your the best driving instructor I know and your fun to learn driving with. Your not like the others who have been boring, it was good to have a laugh with you. Thanks for everything I really couldn't do it with out you thanks for ev...
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