LDC driving lessons in Kirkwall KW postcode

Below you will find a list of your local independent LDC driving schools and driving instructors offering driving lessons, intensive driving courses and pass plus training using the revolutionary LD System of driving tuition in the Kirkwall KW postcode area.

For a free information pack of further details about LDC driving lessons or intensive driving courses please call the office on freephone 0800 400 777. To find the phone number, email address or website details of any of the LDC driving schools below please click on the instructors "More Info" button. To book a driving course or a series of driving lessons online please use the store.

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Driving Test Centres

For information on how to book your driving test click book driving test.

Airport Industrail Estate, Wick, KW1 4QS
Golspie Fire Station, Back Road, Golspie, KW10 6SP
Naver House, Naver Road, Naver Business Park, Thurso, KW14 7QA
The Kirkwall Auction Mart, Hatston Industrial Estate, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1FL

Theory Test Centres

For information on how to book your theory test click book theory test.

The Smith Room (First Floor), Pulteney Centre, Huddart Street, Wick, KW1 5BA
The Pickaquoy Centre, Muddisdale Road, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, KW15 1LR
The Bridge Hotel, Breakfast Room, Dunrobin Street, Helmsdale, Sutherland, KW8 6JA
Prices in this area
Manual tuition
Single Hour Lesson £35.00
2 Hour Driving Lesson £70.00
Block Booking of 10 hours £340.00
Test Booster Course £712.00
Midway Pass Course £912.00
Semi Intensive Course £1,312.00
One Week Pass Course £1,462.00