Naomi Price

There is nothing to describe the feeling you get when you achieve something that you never thought that you would be able to do. It changes the way that you look at yourself, makes you wonder just what else you could do.

I had all but given up on the idea of driving, had no confidence in my ability to control a car. But the moment came when a change in my life demanded that I be able to do so. I asked around and got a great deal of suggestions for an instructor, but nothing seemed right. It was when a friend (another mature learner) told me about Ruth�s patience, kindness and inspiration in helping her pass the test, that something clicked. It was one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life!!

There were good days and bad, but throughout it all Ruth believed in me with her whole heart and soul. Whenever I wanted to give up, she never let me walk away. In addition, the LDC materials were clear and easy to follow, helping build my knowledge in a logical and well ordered way.

On the 21st December, 2011 I passed my test, and once what I thought impossible became gloriously possible. I cannot recommend Ruth highly enough! Truly, if she can teach me how to drive, she REALLY can teach anyone!!

Naomi Price

Hi I'm Ruth Gray

I'm a driving instructor in Weymouth, Dorchester and surrounding areas.

Ruth Gray Driving School
Call 01305 815166 or 07870 424247