
I passed my test first time this week with just one minor mark for doing something silly!

I've had Marie for my lessons from the start after my mom and dad met her on a car park by chance. My parents were phoning around looking at instructors with deals but as soon as they met Marie and spoke to her in person, they knew my lessons would be with her as something just didn't seem right with everyone else.

I was a learner with a question about everything and I'm surprised Marie never told me to shut up! she was always calm and asked me what I'd done wrong if I made a mistake. Most of the time I knew and was able to correct myself which Marie encouraged me to do rather than just telling me all the time.

Lessons were never boring as we would always be having a laugh while I was learning which I think helped; no one wants a straight faced instructor who always moans...and you can see by reading other peoples comments that Marie is one of the best instructors out there and you'd be silly to waste your time with someone dodgy! Marie was confident in my driving even when I wasn't myself and I can't wait to drive with Marie again for my pass plus.

Thanks so much Marie, I'm going to miss you!
