Fiona Heyburn

Phil was my second driving instructor, I was recommended to him and I couldn't have got a better recommendation. His level of teaching was amazing compared to my previous instructor, he made everything a lot more simplified with things I used to find complicated, helped build my confidence behind the wheel and he made the whole driving experience feel like it was a natural part of life and not something to be fazed by. Phil has a huge amount of patience and made me feel at ease behind the wheel, every single lesson I had was essential and very productive as well as being informative and helpful as Phil would answer any questions I had.

Learning to drive with Phil was fun and enjoyable due to Phil's friendly manner, his sense of humour and his excellent teaching. I felt that I was learning how to drive independently and not just how to drive to pass my test.

I cannot thank Phil enough for everything!!! Thank you for making learning to drive a stress free relaxed enjoyable experience, not to mention fun. I couldn't have received a better recommendation.

Fiona Heyburn