Faye Cottrill

After only a few months learning to drive from scratch, with Phil's guidance I felt prepared to take my test and I'm happy to say I passed first time.

When first starting out learning to drive I was very anxious, but with Phil's support I quickly overcame my initial nerves, and felt safe behind the wheel. Phil is a great instructor, very friendly and patient, and his lessons are tailored around you so you can focus on the things you want to work on. This bespoke approach allows for really effective progression helping you to get the most out of each lesson.

The VW Polo is a great car to learn to drive in, with easy to use controls. Phil also has a useful book in the car where he draws diagrams of various scenarios on the roads, and a sense of humour to answer any crazy 'what if' question you can think up. This helped with my theory learning as well. The LDC driving skills workbook which goes alongside Phil's lessons is also really helpful allowing you to track your progress.

With Phil's tuition, in no time at all you can master manoeuvres and complex road situations, and feel ready to book your test. I highly recommend Phil to any prospective drivers, his lessons are really enjoyable and worthwhile to get you ready for the roads and to feel safe whilst driving.

Faye Cottrill