Viktor O

I came into driving a little late in life having previously lived in a different city with great transport links and no 'real' need to drive. I used a driving school which resulted in a couple of failed attempts. I almost gave up but decided to try again but this time with a different instructor. I was one of those who decided to use Phil based on the reviews on this website. Needless to say, I passed with Phil after only 8 sessions. I am really pleased with the level of service provided by Phil. I feel very fortunate to have had Phil as my instructor. He not only taught me how to do certain things but the reasoning behind such actions or inactions. With him, I found the whole manoeuvring very easy as he made me learn from 'trial and error' rather than looking for 'markers' in the car or calculating a steering through algorithms as has been my previous experience. I would definitely recommend Phil to anyone who is serious about driving.

Viktor O