FREE Theory Test revision
Below you will find options to take a free Theory Test simulation using the DVSA's Theory Test revision questions, answers and hazard perception test clips without the need to register your details. Please note the options below are only for car drivers. The second part of the Theory Test is the hazard perception test which you can find out more about by going to Hazard Perception Test.
Install our Free Theory Test Kit Lite App for either Apple iPhones/iPads or Android smart phones/tablets which can sync with your online results on the LDC learning Hub should you decide to learn to drive with LDC as well. This enables your driving instructor to view your progress and help you with your theory preparation as well as your preparation for the driving test. Try a theory test simulation and one HP CGI clip using the DVSA revision questions, answers and CGI clip to see how the test works. Probably the most authentic reproduction of the actual test on either mobile devices or online - nothing compares.
Alternatively, buy the full App at just £3.99 and get additional access to:
- All the DVSA Theory Test revision questions and answers (not just 50 as in the Free lite version) plus all 14 video case studies).
- Each question has a direct link to the precise Highway Code rule where the answer can be found and LDC's own supplementary advice.
- The only product designed to go hand-in-hand with your study of the Highway code as well as the usual DVSA theory categories. Two learning methods rather than just one.
- Fourteen carefully balanced mock tests covering all the Q&As again leaving nothing to chance. Probably the most authentic recreation of the actual Theory Test available.
- Unlimited random Hazard Perception Tests using the 34 DVSA revision HP CGI clips in high definition.
- The LDC online learning hub with a further 140 real life Hazard Perception Clips and the means to pass your theory results from one device to another. Use your phone, tablet or PC.
- Sign up for driving lessons with an LDC driving school in your area and allow them to help you with your preparation via the LDC online learning hub.
There is simply no better App on the market, loved by learners but hated by our competitors. Money back guaranteed if you are not absolutely delighted.
Please click on the image below to access LDC's Theory Test Kit online product suitable for mobile devices again using the DVSA revision questions, answers and CGI hazard perception clips. This will give you access to a FREE simulation of the Theory and hazard perception test to try online. Probably the most authentic recreation of the actual Theory Test available. This is similar to the features available on the LDC online learning Hub should you decide to learn to drive with an LDC driving school instructor but without the ability to sync your results with the above LDC Apps or the benefit of support from an LDC driving school instructor.
Free Theory Test DownloadIf you would like to experience a simulation of the first part of the Theory Test please click the button opposite to download a fully working example of the multiple choice test. You are provided with a full mock theory test containing the DVSA Theory Test revision questions, answers and explanations including new case study examples. This free Theory Test software demonstrates one of the eight programs in the award winning Driving Test Complete and Driving Test Ultimate products and is based on the Theory Test Kit Express download product. The download file is about 43mb in size. Please feel free to pass this file on to your family and friends as no registration is required.

Important information about the Theory Test
The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) stopped publishing the actual multiple choice questions and answers used in the real Theory Test for car drivers and motorcycle riders on 23rd January 2012. A completely new set of theory test questions was introduced at this point. The real questions are now not available to the public in any product or in any other form. However, the DVSA do publish very similar questions to the real ones for people to practice on called the DVSA practice/revision questions, answers and hazard perception video clips. These can be found in most theory/HP test products including those from LDC. The only difference is with LDC is that our theory product has been specially designed to work effectively with your study of the Highway Code and should you decide to learn with LDC your local LDC driving school instructor can monitor your theory progress and help in your preparation for these tests.
The move was introduced by the Road Safety Minister to ensure new drivers learn the principles behind driving theory instead of just memorising the answers to pre-set questions. Also as part of these improvements newer more difficult case studies questions were introduced at the same time - again emphasising the need to properly learn and understand the theory aspect of driving and riding. In October 2020 video case study questions were added to the test to replace the descriptive case study questions. Consequently, when looking for a product make sure it has a good learning section as well a realistic test practice section.